Sunday, December 25, 2011

Time moves in a circ...

Another year has gone by. Another episode has come to an end. 2011 is over.
The past year has let me experience a few of the episodes for the very first time in my life. It has been a year of firsts. My first job... and a few other things... And I must say it has been mind blowing. What a year it has been!!!
It has taught me to push myself to the limits and Lord was I surprised!!! It has made me realise that there is no limit to what you can achieve. If you think you can do it, then you definitely can.
Retrospectively, it definitely hasn't been an impeccable year. There were definitely a few glitches which I wish I didn't commit. Also, there were a few things that I wish I fulfilled.
I'm sure most of us face this dilemma at the end of each year. But the sad part is that we do nothing to fix it the coming year. Is there is a loved one whom you lost just because your ego came in the way... Then please, let's forgive and forget and win them back. Because, trust me or rather trust yourself they miss you as much as you miss them or maybe even more.
It has been ingrained in us since the time we were born that time and tide wait for none. Time once passed never comes back; which is definitely true if we think about it practically considering the date 31/12/2011 will fall only on one day in eternity.
Time is linear. It keeps flowing in one single line.
But is it truly that way? The ancient Mayans believed quite the opposite. They thought time moves in a circ. That what goes up has to come down one day. Use, the next year to truly believe in this and try to achieve what you thought you should have till now but haven't. Only that will truly bring back the lost time.
I'm sure, a lot of us have changed over the past year - for better or for worse. A few incidences made us change the course of our lives, changed the way we think, changed what we believed in, changed the way we lived. Look at yourself and ask yourself as to whether you are the person you always wanted to be. If not, then we all know what our new year resolution should be.
Bring back the the lost time. For it is for you to believe whether time moves linearly or circular.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Don't regret to learn...

Regret or remorse are two words I wish didn't exist in the dictionary of human kind. Regret brings nothing but shame, embarrassment, sorrow, disappointment and a huge array of negative emotions attached to it. Why am I saying everything that we already know?
It's because in spite of knowing that there is nothing constructive achieved out or regretting certain actions or decisions of your life, each of us spends at least a few minutes every day pondering about how life would have been had i done/not done that and regret doing/not doing those things.
Pondering is good. Pondering helps you analyse and distinguish the good from the bad, the actions that instill a sense of pride from those that make you remorseful, so that you don't repeat the one's that made you remorseful or the one's that hurt someone in the process.
But regret is just a waste of time. Because you can't go back in time and your life sequence.
So instead of regrets, experience learning. Learning from your mistakes, from those incidences that made you into a better or a worse person. If it made you worse, then go back to the person whom you think was better.
For, only that can make you happy.
For, that's the only way to forget the past.
For, that's the only way to go back to the loved ones whom you left somewhere down the road.
Have the guts to face your mistakes and not run away from them.
Take nothing but learning and give nothing but your past to them.

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's been more than 20 years since I was born in the Pauillac region of Bourdeaux, France,one of the very best of my kind.I traveled through various regions of the world to reach where I am today - lying in the liquor cabinet of a budding businessman in London. Surprisingly I'm the only one lying there since the time he bought me in 2010. There have been tens of his friends coming over and watch me lie there in my special cell. Many asked him pointing towards me,"What are u waiting for?" and he would reply,"oh, she's not ready yet. When the right time comes, I won't wait even for a minute more. :)" to which his friends would so then when she be ready? "Oh, I'l know it" would come his reply.
Today, he come home ecstatic. He had finally won the bid for a multi million dollar tender that he had worked so hard for since the past three months.
He came close to my humble abode and opened it to feel me case. And said to himself,"You are absolutely ready to be devoured now!!!"
He brought out of his most expensive flutes, filled it three quarters with coc. My eyes went wild with horror as I anticipated the worst - to be had with soda!!!. My worst fears came true and indeed I felt insulted to the core as I just realised that all the while that he pampered me in that transparent cabinet was just to show off to the world that he could drink me. But the truth is i was just some kind of a trophy for him that he could show off to the world. He never realised my true worth and he never realised the true worth of the money that he spent on me either.
Now as I lay in his glass waiting for the last of me to reach his lips, I wish he had bought me to enjoy me in my entirety. I wish i wasn't just his show off; to show off to the world that he had opened a brand new bottle of wine - one of the very best indeed.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The moment of Triumph

The day dawned to a beautiful sky - bright,sunny and pleasant; perfect weather for the final match. Ok maybe it was a little hot considering the match was happening in India. But it was a day of triumph... a day that would be etched in her memory forever. As it was the day when everything seemed to have fit in place perfectly; her dream come true. It was her dream to bring home the Cup - to experience the triumph in her heart, her soul all before she graduated out of college in a few days.
Everything that she had worked and lived for came to those 40 minutes in the middle of the afternoon.
As she prepared herself for what were going to be the most memorable & exciting moments of her life, she couldn't help feeling a bit nervous and anxious even imagining what the outcome was going to be - whether she would fail or pass, whether it would be a moment of victory or defeat,whether she would let down her team mate who is more of her friend that her colleague or make him proud to have chosen her as her partner in sharing the title... it was a feeling of questions that she wouldn't get answers for until those 40 min. were over or so she told her heart,'Everything's going to be fine. You are going to kill it. Don't fret so much.' But, obviously her heart just like everyone else's is a scary pooh, loves to imagine the worst things that could happen to her.
Finally, keeping aside all her inhibitions she got dressed and walked towards the court. Her parents had to be out of town for an important event and hence, couldn't be there to share the moments of the match with her. Her friend was there though, her team mate. All through it to support her irrespective of what the outcome maybe, they would be friends forever, she knew this once their eyes met on the court. This was the one positive thing that her heart truly believed in at that moment in spite of all the fright it was putting into her mind.
The gun shot... and she played the most memorable game of her life...
With 30 seconds left on the watch, the score was a tie, she hit her last shot and tripped to shed a drop of blood. Totally worth it as the last serve was missed by her opponents and she had what she wanted - content, satisfaction, triumph, love, call it what you may.
The crowd cheered but she couldn't hear it. All she could see was the smile on his face standing right beside her staring into her gleaming eyes . He was strangely wearing black socks for the otherwise perfectly white silhouette but that didn't occupy her mind space for then. He was coming closer by the second... their lips met...
A moment of triumph indeed... the trophy was just an additional feather in the cap.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Because Love is Blind

This story may seem a little long, but its worth every word. Shows the real meaning of love, because after all love is blind.@};-.

The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps. She paid the driver and, using her hands to feel the location of the seats, walked down the aisle and found the seat he'd told her was empty. Then she settled in, placed her briefcase on her lap and rested her cane against her leg. It had been a year since Susan, all of just thirty-four, became blind. Due to a medical misdiagnosis she had been rendered sightless, and she was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration and self-pity. Once a fiercely independent woman, Susan now felt condemned by this terrible twist of fate to become a powerless, helpless burden on everyone around her. "How could this happened to me?" she would plead, her heart knotted with anger. But no matter how much she cried or ranted or prayed, she knew the painful truth her sight was never going to return.

A cloud of depression hung over Susan's once optimistic spirit. Just getting through each day was an exercise in frustration and exhaustion. And all she had to cling to was her husband Mark. Mark was an Air Force officer and he loved Susan with all of his heart. When she first lost her sight, he watched her sink into despair and was determined to help his wife gain the strength and confidence she needed to become independent again. Mark's military background had trained him well to deal with sensitive situations, and yet he knew this was the most difficult battle he would ever face. Finally, Susan felt ready to return to her job, but how would she get there? She used to take the bus, but was now too frightened to get around the city by herself.

Mark volunteered to drive her to work each day, even though they worked at opposite ends of the city. At first, this comforted Susan and fulfilled Mark's need to protect his sightless wife who was so insecure about performing the slightest task. Soon, however, Mark realized that this arrangement wasn't working-it was hectic, and costly. Susan is going to have to start taking the bus again, he admitted to himself. But just the thought of mentioning it to her made him cringe. She was still so fragile, so angry. How would she react? Just as Mark predicted, Susan was horrified at the idea of taking the bus again. "I'm blind!" she responded bitterly.

"How am I supposed to know where I'm going? I feel like you're abandoning me." Mark's heart broke to hear these words, but he knew what had to be done. He promised Susan that each morning and evening he would ride the bus with her, for as long as it took, until she got the hang of it. And that is exactly what happened. For two solid weeks, Mark, military uniform and all, accompanied Susan to and from work each day. He taught her how to rely on her other senses, specifically her hearing, to determine where she was and how to adapt to her new environment. He helped her befriend the bus drivers who could watch out for her, and save her seat. He made her laugh, even on those not-so-good days when she would trip exiting the bus, or drop her briefcase. Each morning they made the journey together, and Mark would take a cab back to his office. Although this routine was even more costly and exhausting than the previous one, Mark knew it was only a matter of time before Susan would be able to ride the bus on her own. He believed in her, in the Susan he used to know before she'd lost her sight, who wasn't afraid of any challenge and who would never, ever quit. Finally, Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip on her own. Monday morning arrived, and before she left, she threw her arms around Mark, her temporary bus riding companion, her husband, and her best friend. Her eyes filled with tears of gratitude for his loyalty, his patience, his love. She said good-bye, and for the first time, they went their separate ways. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... Each day on her own went perfectly, and Susan had never felt better. She was doing it! On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. As she was paying for her fare to exit the bus, the driver said,

"Boy, I sure envy you." Susan wasn't sure if the driver was speaking to her or not. After all, who on earth would ever envy a blind woman who had struggled just to find the courage to live for the past year? Curious, she asked the driver,

"Why do you say that you envy me?" The driver responded, "It must feel so good to be taken care of and protected like you are."

"What do you mean?" The driver answered, "You know, every morning for the past week, a fine looking gentleman in a military uniform has been standing across the corner watching you when you get off the bus. He makes sure you cross the street safely and he watched you until you enter your office building. Then he blows you a kiss, gives you a little salute and walks away. You are one lucky lady." Tears of happiness poured down Susan's cheeks. For although she couldn't see him, she had always felt Mark's presence. She was lucky, so lucky, for he had given her a gift more powerful than sight, a gift she didn't need to see to believe - the gift of love that can bring light where there had been darkness.

I got this in an email, and thought it was very worth sharing. My friend got it from a newspaper article, I'm not sure which one, or by whom it was written, buts its a really great! Hope you all liked :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Eternal Debate...

Arranged marriages have been a part of the Indian Culture dating back hundreds of years.Our grandparents got married that way and so did our parents(at least most of ours)and they truly believe in it. The belief that your parents choose the best life partner for you is what they grew up with. And i think it worked perfectly and it still does.
But, with the advent of western culture in our society, the arranged marriage structure is believed to be so passe. People believe in finding their right match themselves and choose to follow it in spite of objections from their parents as could be in a few cases.
The idea was just to show a contrast of thoughts between the two generations.
Since, i write this to let you guys know what i actually think about i'l come to that too... soon.
I have seen marriages through both the methods fail and otherwise work beautifully too.
The reasons for failure could be many. One of the most prevalent ones can be described best with a concept in economics known as information asymmetry. For those of you who don't know what it means information asymmetry deals with the study of decisions in transactions where one party has more or better information than the other. This creates an imbalance of power in transactions which can sometimes causes the transactions to go awry the result of which could be morally hazardous and result in an adverse selection.
The other reason and which I strongly feel is the root cause of relationship failure is lack of commitment- commitment towards the spouse, towards oneself and also towards the relationship. And any relation could fail because of that.
And this is what i strongly believe in - commitment.
So in whatever way you find your life partner be sure to be committed in sickness and in health, till death parts you.