Monday, March 14, 2011

Don't regret to learn...

Regret or remorse are two words I wish didn't exist in the dictionary of human kind. Regret brings nothing but shame, embarrassment, sorrow, disappointment and a huge array of negative emotions attached to it. Why am I saying everything that we already know?
It's because in spite of knowing that there is nothing constructive achieved out or regretting certain actions or decisions of your life, each of us spends at least a few minutes every day pondering about how life would have been had i done/not done that and regret doing/not doing those things.
Pondering is good. Pondering helps you analyse and distinguish the good from the bad, the actions that instill a sense of pride from those that make you remorseful, so that you don't repeat the one's that made you remorseful or the one's that hurt someone in the process.
But regret is just a waste of time. Because you can't go back in time and your life sequence.
So instead of regrets, experience learning. Learning from your mistakes, from those incidences that made you into a better or a worse person. If it made you worse, then go back to the person whom you think was better.
For, only that can make you happy.
For, that's the only way to forget the past.
For, that's the only way to go back to the loved ones whom you left somewhere down the road.
Have the guts to face your mistakes and not run away from them.
Take nothing but learning and give nothing but your past to them.

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's been more than 20 years since I was born in the Pauillac region of Bourdeaux, France,one of the very best of my kind.I traveled through various regions of the world to reach where I am today - lying in the liquor cabinet of a budding businessman in London. Surprisingly I'm the only one lying there since the time he bought me in 2010. There have been tens of his friends coming over and watch me lie there in my special cell. Many asked him pointing towards me,"What are u waiting for?" and he would reply,"oh, she's not ready yet. When the right time comes, I won't wait even for a minute more. :)" to which his friends would so then when she be ready? "Oh, I'l know it" would come his reply.
Today, he come home ecstatic. He had finally won the bid for a multi million dollar tender that he had worked so hard for since the past three months.
He came close to my humble abode and opened it to feel me case. And said to himself,"You are absolutely ready to be devoured now!!!"
He brought out of his most expensive flutes, filled it three quarters with coc. My eyes went wild with horror as I anticipated the worst - to be had with soda!!!. My worst fears came true and indeed I felt insulted to the core as I just realised that all the while that he pampered me in that transparent cabinet was just to show off to the world that he could drink me. But the truth is i was just some kind of a trophy for him that he could show off to the world. He never realised my true worth and he never realised the true worth of the money that he spent on me either.
Now as I lay in his glass waiting for the last of me to reach his lips, I wish he had bought me to enjoy me in my entirety. I wish i wasn't just his show off; to show off to the world that he had opened a brand new bottle of wine - one of the very best indeed.