Saturday, December 25, 2010

Adventure Zone!!!

We took an Air New Zealand flight from Rotorua in the North Island to Queenstown in the South Island. Our flight had to take a detour to Christchurch because of bad bad landing conditions in Queenstown. While waiting in the lounge at Christchurch for our flight to Queenstown I was able to witness a very caring gesture of love. A middle aged women who was travelling for business at the day of her anniversary was waiting with us for flight to take off in the Christchurch airport lounge. Suddenly she had a card delivered to her by one of the airport officials and while she was opening to see who it was from her husband was standing right there next to her a bunch of flowers in his hands ready to take her in his arms and give her a kiss. The woman's happiness knew no bounds and she had tears in her eyes only to be wiped by her husband. It was miraculous...and magical to witness love in that form... :)
Anyway getting back to my travels;we finally landed in the most adventurous place in the world - Queenstown.
Queenstown truly is an adventurer's paradise with activities ranging from shotover jet to skydiving.
But even apart from the adventure activities Queenstown as well the neighbouring Arrowtown is truly a page torn out of a fairy tale. Its fabulous. The hillstation is built and developed around a huge lake which provides water to the town. New Zealand is the only country in the world where there is no water tax!!!
If anybody would ask me about visiting New Zealand, my only advise to them would be to visit only Queenstown and Christchurch.
When I visited New Zealand around two and a half years ago the concept of an ice bar was a novel idea. (now of course there are many around the world) and i truly loved the experience at Minus Five.(the name of the bar). I won't waste too much space in writing about it since many of must have experienced and also for those who haven't i dont want to spoil the novelty of the experience.
I know you guys anxiously want to know about the adventure but i'm gonna leave that for my next write-up so till then, Adios!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Marriage... why???

Marriage is a social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship. People marry for many reasons, including one or more of the following: legal, social, emotional, economical, spiritual, and religious. These might include arranged marriages, family obligations, the legal establishment of a nuclear family unit, the legal protection of children or public declaration of commitment.
Of all the above reasons as to why people would want to marry the one that intrigues me the most is 'public declaration of commitment.'
Why is it that we feel the need to showcase our commitment to our love to the world by the legal binding of a marriage; it makes me wonder.
Do we really get married just to ask permission from the world for living together and sharing the same bed?
If that is so then why do we consider our wedding day as the most important day of our lives and spends millions just on that one day if its just a matter of taking permission. By that logic the day you fell in love and decided to spend the rest of your life with each other should be celebrated with a greater pomp and joy.
But the rationale that goes into making the wedding day a big show off is show off - show off to the society and to the world at large about the most expensive jewellery, clothes, food, flowers, etc. because after all marriage is for everyone except for the bride and the groom themselves. I don't think any bride and the groom themselves have enjoyed their own wedding.If you do come across any couple who did please do let me know. I'd like to ask them the way in which they did it so that i could follow the lead and enjoy my own wedding too.
But then if it were in my hand I would never get married to the person i'v chosen to spend the rest of my life with. I'd rather spend all the money I save on a world tour with him.
And as a matter of fact it's not even about the money. I think trying to bind a beautiful relationship which is formed with the golden thread love with the shackles of legality is an insult to that love. I think my love for him is above a contractual agreement. It doesn't need a marriage certificate to survive for eternity.
If you truly love someone and both know that you are made for each other and are going to be together for eternity come what may then why the need to declare to the world using a microphone. If you can just declare it to each other thats enough.
A friend once asked me how can u trust someone so much that he will stay with you for the rest of your life without a legal obligation to do so. And my answer to her was,'how can u trust your husband that he won't divorce you and marry someone else even after being legally attached to you.'
If people are meant to go, they are just meant to. No legal barrier can tie them.
I think the sooner people realize this fact, the easier it will be for them to realise the importance of trust.
My cousin told me the other day that she never wants to get married. Her answer to me when i asked her the reason for it was that she doesn't believe in it. People separate eventually anyway so then why make such a show about the union. This is when i told her the importance of trust. Nobody will force to get married and you don't have to if you don't want to but that doesn't mean that we stop finding love. We should trust ourselves with finding that perfect partner for ourselves and live with each other for eternity bound only with that golden lining called love and not the black thread of obligation.